Katie Napolitano

Special guest

Villain and Co-Owner
Assistant to the Regional Manager of Roasting

When you meet Katie, one thing immediately becomes apparent. This bitch loves caffeine. But once you get past her seemingly limitless energy and excitement for all things coffee, you start to understand what makes her such a tremendous asset, and integral piece of the Villain equation. Katie sits high atop Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and is driven by a need for continual self-improvement, and to be the best coffee-drinking human she can be. Her compassion and kindness towards everyone she meets (unless they drink Charbucks) is blindingly evident, and further demonstrates why the universe needs more Katies…c’mon human cloning, be a thing already! Katie plays for team Vegan (RIP plants), and is equal parts athlete, coffee scientist and sailor – her knack for enhancing a sentence with an F-bomb is borderline magical. If you plan on testing her coffee knowledge, you better come correct. Or don’t come at all. That’s what she said.

As mutant superpowers go, Katie possesses two of them. She has an uncanny ability to hear the subtlety of first crack long before anyone else can, even in a room with the latest Drake single blasting through the speakers. Her second power lies in the indomitable will to wear yoga pants no matter what the occasion. Formal event? Yoga pants. Informal event? Yoga pants. Roasting? Yoga pants. You get the idea.

All in all, Katie is an expert roaster, an extraordinary human being and a key component to the success of Villain Coffee. We would suck without her.

Katie Napolitano has been a guest on 1 episode.